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Executive Coaching Package - 90 days (or 6 months)

Lead Others - Navigating Human Interaction

Become the leader others are proud to follow



Lead and Empower Teams and Entire Companies

With an unmistakable pull from levels above, or mounting pressure from the customer side to meet deadlines, it’s hard to miss…that sinking feeling when you realize your team member - or worse yet your entire team - is in full resistance mode. Your first line of defense is to fall back on your list of clearly defined goals and milestones and bring that team member back in line. But you’ve tried that before…and failed.

In the fast-paced business world, filled with new ways of work and one technology transformation project after the other – where every company is scrambling for qualified people and suffering from the culture shock of generation gaps – you need more than just basic soft skills to lead others. It’s time to add to your toolbox.

Enhance Your Leadership Style in Just 6 Sessions

Great leaders understand how to work with (and not against) the simple truths of human interaction – the foundations of motivation, resistance, influence, curiosity, resilience. Explore leadership through the lens of modern frameworks including brain functioning and neuroscience, sociological dynamics, psychological forces. Join me for six powerful sessions that will change the way other perceive your leadership. In just 90 days (2 sessions per month - or go at a slower pace of just one session per month) build your competencies as a dynamic leader.

Lead Innovation and Confront Traditional Business Mindsets

Being confronted with outdated business mindsets everyday is a huge barrier to growth and innovation, and even worse, stifling to your motivation. We'll take a look at ways other leaders challenged the status quo at their company, and we will work on actionable strategies that are right for you. None of us have control over all external factors which influence our work environment. We'll be searching for those small spaces of opportunity in which you can insert just a few seeds to inspire others and slowly dismantle legacy thinking. Changing old-style beliefs requires consistency and leading with confidence - we'll also be working on your personal leadership approach.

Manage Conflicts and Power Struggles

As soon as two or more people get together, the potential for conflict and power struggles increases. How you manage the process of coming back to something better than before is what sets you apart from less-skilled leaders. Navigating the maze of causes for conflict can be daunting. We will focus on developing skills for quickly discerning the right approach for the specific conflict at hand. We will also delve into approaches and human interaction during conflict and what to do about your own preferences.

Navigate Change

Leading people through uncertainty – without losing them along the way – takes a special kind of leader. The types of changes businesses are facing right now can be breathtaking and, at times, overwhelming to your people, even sometimes to you. It will be your approach – your leadership style and your capacity for flexibility and adaptability – that becomes the beacon that others will follow. We will explore ways for you to build a broad foundation of approaches and responses that will help you adapt and be resilient. And this will become the cornerstone of your ability to lead others and help them to navigate uncertainty while continuing to perform for the team.

Reduce Resistance and Confusion

Most leaders don’t know their people are confused until it’s too late: after the deadline wasn’t met; after the product was designed or production has begun. The best indicator of latent confusion are the signs of resistance. Even some types of resistance are difficult to detect until it’s too late. We will delve deeply into the sources of human resistance, and you will equip yourself with the tools you need to create a clear working environment and a framework for managing resistance.

Session 5


"12423873-business-woman-team" by Vecteezy (Free Photo Business) no license info available

Establish Boundaries

Depending on your personality or life experience, setting boundaries might not come naturally to you. We will sift through the many approaches toward boundary setting and find the right mix for your specific situation. As a leader of a team or even an entire company, establishing clear boundaries allows each person to understand their roles and responsibilities, and to perform at their highest level. From the very beginning, you set expectations, and everyone knows where their focus should be directed for the day.

Empower and Inspire

To inspire and empower others requires a few things of the company you work in. You agree with the current vision and values of your company. You trust the highest management level and their current strategy. You have the tools, resources, and authority you need to bring about the best working conditions for your team. You believe in the capabilities of your team members. The rest is accomplished with your strong foundation of people skills, which you will continually build upon.


Coaching Packages / Individual Sessions

90 DAYS (or 6 months)

6 x 2

6 total sessions, 2 hours per session, Duration: 90 days or 6 months

300 /session

Includes a one-time, free, 30-minute introduction call. Meet online or in person. Travel costs and taxes not included. Cancel anytime. Total cost €1800


90 Min

Individual Sessions

225 /session

Includes a one-time, free, 30-minute introduction call. Meet online or in person. Travel costs and taxes not included. Cancel anytime.


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Group Coaching


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